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Membres de l'équipe

In a collaborative practice, you’re more than an active member of your care team – you’re the very centre of it! The professionals on your team put you first, and see you as a partner in your health care plans. As a partner, you and your family are included in decisions about your care, and you help define what the right care is for you. 

Comment être un membre pro-actif de l'équipe de soins collaboratifs: 

  • Keep a journal of your symptoms.
  • Write down a list of your questions.
  • Be honest about your health concerns.
  • Take notes during your appointment.
  • If you need clarification, ask for it to be written down.
  • Keep an up-to-date list of all your medications.
  • Bring any medical records that you’ve received from other health care providers.
  • Ask if there are other members of the team who you should see.
  • Schedule your next appointment before you leave.

Primary care providers

Primary care providers are your first point of contact when you have a health concern. Normally, it’s your doctor or nurse practitioner who you’ll see during your appointment at your collaborative family practice. And this is also the person who coordinates your care with other members of the team based on your health care needs.

Un médecin de famille est spécialisé dans la médecine familiale, ils sont généralistes et donnent toute sortes de soins dans plusieurs situations.

Additional team members

Every collaborative family practice team is different, and may include a number of different health professionals. Remember, each member of the team works closely together in order to provide the most relevant, complete, and efficient care for every patient.

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